Challenger Tour
When I ride, I have to be ready to die that day. That's the way I have to ride, to just be free.-ML
Posts: 234
Post by Mike_LeeFan on Oct 5, 2005 21:24:09 GMT -5
Has anyone seen that show? it's really funny and kinda annoying.
When ever one of them has like a problem with there horse or something i just like sit there getting mad and like yelling at them what to do it's so funny. i'm not a mean person i swear i just get annoyed by them and then get frustrated lol that makes me laugh to think about it.
that show's funny. it's alot like cowboy u except the people are rich kids from famous people and they're just doing tasks and moving cattle and what not. if u havn't seen it u really should it's great. it's on E
Post by WI8SecFan on Oct 5, 2005 22:56:41 GMT -5
This show is the worst train wreck I have ever seen...It is so annoying it is unbelievable...If I was those kid's parents after seeing that show I would have been completely embarrassed. Makes me glad I was not born rich!
Post by TNBullRidinGirl on Oct 5, 2005 23:16:47 GMT -5
The people are so annoying...especially Faiben or however you spell it lol but I still watch it to see what they'll fight over next.
Post by dairymary on Oct 6, 2005 0:59:55 GMT -5
i like watching the show just bacause i like to watch these bratty little rich kids complain about everything. fabian needs to fall in a pile of crap. he is the worst out of all of them. i dont know how someone could marry him, except for his money. i also enjoy watching the wranglers 
Challenger Tour
When I ride, I have to be ready to die that day. That's the way I have to ride, to just be free.-ML
Posts: 234
Post by Mike_LeeFan on Oct 11, 2005 20:23:10 GMT -5
yea fabian is so annoying and i just want to punch him. it's just like watching a car crash u can't watch but u can't look away. and the wranglers are pretty good looking too.
Post by wycowboy on Oct 11, 2005 22:33:44 GMT -5
I guess I should check it out. It sounds funny, kind of. lol. Thanks guys.
Post by dairymary on Oct 12, 2005 15:29:52 GMT -5
i watched the season fanaly last night, they made it through town with out hurting anyone (that was a big surprise). they all had some fun the night before and fabian never went to bed. the next moring he was still wide awake and drunk, lol. he did ok riding his horse during the parade.
Post by onehotcowboy on Oct 13, 2005 9:54:54 GMT -5
I have to give ALOT of credit to the trail bosses for their patiance at Fabian, I would have beat the ever livin hell out of that Rich Punk A$$ pregnant dog., along time ago....but...............thats just me !!!!!!!! He can sue me for whatever......i have nothin. Jarrod had to worry about his ranch, understandable. Thats the problem with them rich folks.....get to buy there way out of everything. I may not have money or anything ....but I have my PRIDE, MORALS and FRIENDS and for me....thats good enough. Well...enough of that.....just my input, you all have a great day........